Rev. Dr. Mark D. Isaacs
M.A.; M.Div.; S.T.M.;
D.Min.; Ph.D.; Th.D.; D.D.; M.Litt.
The Rev. Dr. Mark D. Isaacs is an active Lutheran clergyman, a preacher-teacher, a retired adjunct college and seminary professor, an Austrian economist, historian, Bible scholar, theologian, apologist, and comparative religions scholar. Before attending Seminary, Pastor Mark worked as a research economist, business editor, and economics writer. The author of three books, he has published more than 350 articles on a wide range of cultural, political, economic, and religious issues.
Pastor Mark was born in Minneapolis, and baptized in Hazel Run, Minnesota. He has lived most of his life on the East Coast in Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Upstate New York. He received a B.A. in Economics from Westfield State College (1980); a Master of Divinity degree [M.Div.] (1992); and a Master of Sacred Theology degree [S.T.M] (2005) from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Pastor Mark was ordained on June 21, 1992. Since June 1996, he has had the privilege of serving as pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Wurtemburg. St. Paul's of Wurtemburg is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium. The ELCM is a centrist Lutheran denomination and Pastor Mark is currently serving as the Dean of the Ministerium.
He earned his Ph.D., Summa Cum Laude, from Trinity Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana (2005). His book, “Centennial Rumination on Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” based on his dissertation, was published in 2005.
In 2007 Pastor Mark earned his doctorate, i.e., a Doctor of Ministry [D.Min.] degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The D.Min., program at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia has been rated one of the top ten D.Min. programs in the nation.
In 2011, while on a teaching and lecture tour in Chennai, India, Pastor Mark was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree for “extra-ordinary and meritorious theological service” from the Anglican Church of India [the Most Rev. Dr. A. John Sathiyakumar, Bishop and Moderator]. (See photo at right)
Pastor Mark and his wife Linda have 3 daughters, 3 sons-n-law and 7 grandchildren.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: The Holy Bible; Comparative Religion; Philosophy of Religion; Church Growth and Evangelism; Business Ethics; Austrian Economics; Business and Management; Management of Non-profit Organizations; Western Civilization; American History; and Geography. Reflecting his interdisciplinary background and interests, Pastor Mark has taught a wide variety of classes including; New Testament Survey; Introduction to Biblical Studies; Economics of Social Issues; Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Global Business and Society; Economic Geography; Physical Geography; Business Ethics; Marketing; Introduction to Business Management; Organizational Management and Behavior; Leadership; Evangelism and Church Growth; Public Presentations; Interpersonal Communications; Management of Non-Profit Organizations; World Views and Values; and Religion and Economics.

Centennial Rumination on Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-1905).” Boca Raton, FL: Universal Publishers, 2005. ISBN 1-58112-310-8.
THE END? Textual Criticism and Apocalyptic Speculation in Johann Albrecht Bengel: Lessons to be learned from the Godly scholar who calculated the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as June 18, 1836. Appleton, WI: RWU Classics Press, 2008.
The 250th Anniversary History of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Wurtemburg. Bookstand Publishing, Morgan Hill, CA, 2011.
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